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Prabhu, B.P.A. and Das, A. (2020) ‘Enhancing retail business and customer experience using blockchain approach’, Int. J. Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.273–285.


The retailers of supermarkets today quite often use the transactional marketing strategy to entice their customers by issuing discount coupons. The proposed system aims at enhancing this reward-based system and automating customer shopping experience by building a 'pay as you choose the item' technology. Employing such a system would help in providing a faster, safer and more convenient means of transaction alongside improving the overall efficiency of the supermarkets achieving higher revenue with lesser manpower. The authors utilise the concept of blockchain to perform transactions using a cryptocurrency called value-coins. Such a digital system would be commonly available to all the outlets of the retailer.


Keywords: value-coins; proof of authority; PoA; digital signature; blockchain; consensus algorithms; layer pattern architecture.



Aniruddha Prabhu B.P., Ashwini B.P., Anwar Khan T., Das A. (2019) Predicting Election Result with Sentimental Analysis Using Twitter Data for Candidate Selection. In: Saini H., Sayal R., Govardhan A., Buyya R. (eds) Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 74. Springer, Singapore.


The retailers of supermarkets today quite often use the transactional marketing strategy to entice their customers by issuing discount coupons. The proposed system aims at enhancing this reward-based system and automating customer shopping experience by building a 'pay as you choose the item' technology. Employing such a system would help in providing a faster, safer and more convenient means of transaction alongside improving the overall efficiency of the supermarkets achieving higher revenue with lesser manpower. The authors utilise the concept of blockchain to perform transactions using a cryptocurrency called value-coins. Such a digital system would be commonly available to all the outlets of the retailer.


Keywords: value-coins; proof of authority; PoA; digital signature; blockchain; consensus algorithms; layer pattern architecture.



B P, Aniruddha Prabhu and Das, Arup, Transforming Transactional Marketing of Retailers Using Blockchain Approach (February 25, 2019). Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology and Management (SUSCOM), Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur - India, February 26-28, 2019.

The commercial businesses like retailers of supermarkets have incorporated emerging technologies like targeted marketing, diversity marketing, transactional marketing, and various other strategies to generate greater business profit. Our proposed system aims to enhance the targeted marketing strategies by offering a reward based system using blockchain technology to maintain a blockchain of customers who can avail an offer proposed by the retailer. This system would be common to all the outlets of the retailer and a certain number of Value-coins (the cryptocurrency of the reward based system) would be issued to the customers on the purchase of every stipulated amount. Since the blockchain is a peer-to-peer digital cash system maintaining an immutable list of transaction records it can check the authenticity of each of the digital possessions (e.g. Value-Coins as in the case of this paper) using the distributed timestamp server technology. Thus, it makes it easier to realize the transactional marketing benefits using the blockchain approach.


Keywords: Transactional Marketing, Value-Coins, Hash, UTXO, SHA-256



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